Crooked teeth don’t just affect confidence. They can also make it difficult to take care of your oral health and, left untreated, may lead to difficulty in other aspects of your life as well. Straight teeth receive less wear and tear, reduce the likelihood of chips or cracks, and can even alleviate neck and jaw
Category: Oral Health
Can I Whiten My Teeth While Wearing Invisalign?
By now, it’s safe to say that most everyone has heard of Invisalign. This revolutionary treatment can straighten teeth discreetly and effectively. It’s been a total game-changer for adults and teens who want to fix issues with their bite or crooked smile. However, a common question we hear from our family of patients is whether
Building Confidence: How Clear Aligners Impact Self-Esteem
Building confidence is a journey that often involves addressing personal insecurities, and one aspect that can significantly impact self-esteem is our smile. For many individuals, misaligned teeth can be a source of self-consciousness, affecting their confidence in various aspects of life. Fortunately, we’re your Westbury orthodontist who is up-to-date on the latest options, including clear
A Teenager’s Guide to Living with Clear Aligners: A Step-by-Step Journey
Teenagers go through some big changes in life as they continue to grow and change. We see it firsthand in our Westbury orthodontic office. Dr. Erin Diamantakis and her team know that the journey to a straighter smile may require some adjustments, but the benefits of having a confident and healthy grin are well worth
Helping Your Child Overcome Fear of the Dentist: Ten Tips for a Positive Orthodontist Visit
Dental visits can often be a daunting experience for children, especially when it comes to orthodontic appointments. Fear or anxiety about visiting the orthodontist is a common concern among younger patients. However, with the right approach and preparation, you can help alleviate their fears and ensure a positive experience during their visit to our office in
Maintaining Oral Health During Orthodontic Treatment: Tips and Advice
Oral hygiene is a fundamental part of well-being, regardless of whether you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment or not. However, orthodontic devices make proper teeth cleaning all the more important. Bacteria can easily become trapped against clear aligners or in between the metal brackets of traditional braces. If you want the healthiest smile possible once your teeth
Invisalign Vs. Traditional Braces: Choosing the Right Orthodontic Treatment
Both traditional braces and Invisalign clear aligners are used to correct crooked and crowded teeth. While these treatments are most common in the teenage population, more and more adults are seeking orthodontic care to boost their confidence in their smile. These popular treatment options have pros and cons, with traditional braces being the stronger method
Who is a Candidate for Adult Ortho?
Adult braces are more common than you may think. Orthodontic treatment isn’t solely for teens looking to straighten their teeth before graduation. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontics projects that 1 in 4 ortho patients are over the age of 18. There is no wrong time to seek correction for misaligned, crowded, rotated, or
Ease of Invisalign
The ease of Invisalign is a major contributor to the treatment’s growing popularity. Each Invisalign plan is unique and your dentist will adjust the length of time spent wearing the clear aligners based on specific alignment issues and how much movement is required. It’s integral that the patient wears the aligners as directed to achieve
Ortho Emergencies: What is an Emergency?
Brush Hollow Orthodontics in Westbury, NY is a resource for dental emergencies and has an experienced team on staff to handle them with professionalism and expedience. Understanding what constitutes a true ortho emergency is the first step in ensuring that proper care is received. What is Considered an Orthodontic Emergency? Ortho emergencies rarely require a